

The therapeutic relationship at JRF Pediatric Therapy Services begins with a complimentary 30 minute consultation at the clinic. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet your clinician in person and see the state of the art clinic space. It also provides an opportunity to ask any additional questions and determine next steps in the therapy process.

School-based inservices and consultations can be arranged by families/caregivers or if schools are seeking a particular area of expertise.


Evaluations are the baseline with which to determine course of treatment.  Following the initial consultation, children and their families come for a two hour evaluation that includes a thorough review of the child’s strengths, standardized assessments and a DIR profile, taking into consideration a child’s functional emotional developmental capacities (FEDCs), individual differences, and relationships.  A written report with detailed recommendations is compiled and reviewed with the child’s caregivers.

Please view the SM Clinic page for detailed information about our comprehensive Selective Mutism evaluations.

Ongoing Intervention and Treatment

Following an evaluation, recommendations may include ongoing therapy. Intervention sessions are a minimum of one hour in length and incorporporate caregivers in the session to better enhance generalization and carryover of skills. A schedule will be determined with the caregiver that best meets the needs of the child and family.

For children with Selective Mutism, field trips may be recommended.

Areas of Specialty

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech
  • Articulation and phonological disorders
  • Language disorders
  • Selective Mutism